Our Team

Co-Founder • Ally
John has designed and facilitated successful statewide, regional, and countywide change efforts for over 30 years. This work has included designing comprehensive systems transformations, resolving major budget shortfalls, and improving outcomes of community well-being.
He has consulted with foundations; state, county, and local governments; local schools and schools districts; small businesses and a multi-national corporation; and myriad non-profit and community-based organizations.
Early in his career John was a faculty member at Duke University, helping launch the Hart Leadership Program there. He also started and led several non-profit organizations and worked as a community organizer.
His life's work has been deeply inspired by his experience of being homeless for much of his adolescence. The support he received from key adults during this time helped him chart a very different life path than might otherwise have been possible. This early experience of compassion and community continues to motivate him.
John holds a BA in Public Policy Studies from Duke University and a JD from Stanford Law School. He is co-author of The Power of Collective Wisdom and the Trap of Collective Folly, published by Berrett-Koehler in 2009, and Centered on the Edge, published by the Fetzer Institute in 2001.

Rose Pinard
Co-Founder • Ally
Rose is a scholar practitioner. She began her career on a fast-track management program within finance at Chevron Corporation, with broad exposure to key operations and mentoring by senior executives.
After about a decade, she changed her career to complete a masters and doctorate in organizational psychology and organizational development from the California School of Professional Psychology.
Her dissertation, Integrative Dialogue: From Fragmentation to a Reverential Unfolding of Wholeness and Mutuality, was published in 2000. It focused on quantum physicist David Bohm’s concept and practice of dialogue, a discipline central to organizational learning and systems thinking.
For the past two decades, Rose has partnered with John to design and facilitate large-scale change efforts, as researcher, organizational consultant, and coach.
Rose was born in South Korea to a Korean mother and French Canadian American father. Her childhood includes a rich juxtaposition of cultures, including indigenous healing rituals led by female shamans. The Korean peninsula also has a deep history of colonization and war. From her early lived experiences, Rose brings a passion for honoring and integrating multiple ways of knowing in support of large-scale change.
Email Rose at rose@c4cw.org

Glenna Gerard
Glenna Gerard is a gifted facilitator, coach, learning designer, and leader, with 30+ years of experience working in both not-for-profit and for-profit organizations. Her passion is designing and facilitating experiences that enable groups to access collective wisdom and fully utilize their unique gifts to impact their communities and organizations in ways that matter most to them.
In the 1990s Glenna pioneered the development of dialogue within organizations, a form of conversation that fosters collective awareness and wisdom, while building relationships grounded in respect and trust. She co-authored Dialogue: Rediscover the transforming power of conversation, published by John Wiley & Sons in 1998.
More recently Glenna has created guided reflection experiences that tap the power of nature to build individual and collective capacity for inner stillness, self-awareness, and the wisdom to take clear and necessary action.
Over the years, Glenna has designed and facilitated experiences for leaders at all levels in the areas of leadership, self-awareness, dialogue, effective facilitation, collaboration, coaching, strategic thinking and reconciling conflict.
Glenna graduated from Columbia University, NY, with a B.S. in Chemical Engineering. She is conversationally fluent in Spanish.
Email Glenna at glenna@c4cw.org

Ken Ithiphol
For more than 15 years, Ken Ithiphol has been supporting community and systems leaders to reflect on their change efforts, develop their leadership capacities, and adapt and take strategic action for greater impact—all in support of realizing their highest aspirations.
He is particularly adept at cultivating learning spaces, and helping individuals and groups to effectively engage with data—including their own experiences—to garner insights and evolve adaptive responses.
Ken is a skilled and compassionate ally and coach committed to helping others access a deeper wisdom, and move toward greater effectiveness and fulfillment. Through co-created, reflective learning experiences, he supports individuals and groups to engage in practices that help foster awareness; cultivate stillness and clarity; deepen alignment and commitment; and inspire courageous action for equitable and sustainable results.
Ken holds a BA in Psychology and Legal Studies from the University of California, Santa Cruz, and is a Certified Professional Coach under the International Coach Federation and a Registered Yoga Teacher. He is a son of Thai immigrants and is conversationally fluent in Thai.
Email Ken at ken@c4cw.org

Jessica St. John
Invitation Ally
For more than 25 years, Jessica has guided organizations and businesses as they have awakened to the necessity of and sought to implement systems-level change. She has served as a strategic leader in environmentally and arts-focused companies and organizations, including the School of Visual Arts, the Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute, and the Urban Ecology Center.
She has also worked as an advisor with a variety of corporate and nonprofit partners across the country, including the Society for Organizational Learning, Impact Experience, Harley-Davidson Motor Company, and more.
Jessica is also the founder of Goodland Institute, a non-profit organization that works on issues of environmental sustainability and regenerative adaptation and design. Through this work she helps foster a deeper relationship between people and planet through the adoption of sustainable enterprise powered by regenerative finance.
In her role as an Invitation Ally with the Center for Collective Wisdom, Jessica works closely with the Founders and the C4CW team to help facilitate and guide the growth of C4CW and the Living Collective Wisdom movement.

Kate Trompetter
Kate is an Organizational and Leadership Coach and Facilitator. Like everyone at C4CW, she believes that we all have the capacity for big impact and sometimes it helps to have a partner in that work.
Kate can be that partner, both in her role within C4CW and across all of her work in her consulting practice.
Kate is skilled at coming alongside people and groups in service to social and organizational change. She knows how to ask the right questions and create safe containers for hard conversations.
In her role within C4CW, Kate acts both as a 1:1 ally for and as a teacher of Leadership for Collective Wisdom™ and Living Collective Wisdom™. She is passionate about working with systems and large-scale change efforts, helping participants to become more individually more self aware, and collectively better able to act together in service to community.